Proactive - Interviews for investors

Nexus Minerals makes regional gold discoveries at Wallbrook

Episode Summary

Nexus Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXM) managing director Andy Tudor joins Proactive’s Tylah Tully to discuss the results from its latest drilling campaign at the Wallbrook Gold Project. It has completed a 284-hole, 9,811-metre aircore drill program across four targets in the project in the north-eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Each target delivered promising high-grade, near-surface gold assay results, supporting Nexus’s focus on shallow, accessible discoveries. Payns Prospect (MC5.2 and MC5.1): The new Payns Prospect, combining MC5.2 and MC5.1 targets, delivered high-grade assays such as 4 metres at 6.85 g/t gold within 16 metres at 2.74 g/t from 28 metres. The target, near the Million Dollar Gold Mine, shows potential for extensive mineralisation, with continuity in grade and width over a 750-metre area. Godfrey Prospect (MC2.2): Positioned east of the Crusader-Templar Deposit, Godfrey returned strong grades with results like 4 metres at 4.02 g/t gold within 15 metres at 1.30 g/t from 24 metres. This target exhibits a significant 1,200 x 100-metre gold system, showing continuity and warranting future reverse circulation (RC) drilling. Target MC2.1: Adjacent to Wallbrook Gold Mine, MC2.1 returned high-grade intercepts, such as 8 metres at 2.94 g/t gold within 28 metres at 1.13 g/t from 44 metres, suggesting a 400 x 250-metre anomaly. Further aircore drilling is planned to assess connection with the Clement Prospect. Target MC1.5: Located on the Wallbrook Monzonite's western contact, MC1.5 produced notable results, including 4 metres at 10.95 g/t gold within 15 metres at 3.65 g/t from 16 metres. This high-grade target aligns with a fertile structural trend and will undergo RC drill testing in future campaigns. Nexus plans additional aircore drilling to expand and validate these targets before progressing to more extensive RC drilling, with significant potential to grow the project’s resource base. #ProactiveInvestors #ASX #NexusMinerals #GoldExploration #WallbrookGoldProject #AircoreDrilling #GoldDiscovery #PaynsProspect #GodfreyProspect #WesternAustralia #MineralExploration #HighGradeGold #ASX #GoldMining #MiningNews #DrillResults #Geology #ResourceExpansion #MiningInvesting #PreciousMetals #ExplorationSuccess #GoldAssays