Proactive - Interviews for investors

Just the Facts: Far East Gold unveils 540,000 ounce resource at Idenburg

Episode Summary

Proactive’s Tylah Tully breaks down ‘Just the Facts’ of the latest news from Far East Gold Ltd (ASX:FEG, OTC:FEGDF). FEG has reported an initial JORC 2012 inferred mineral resource estimate of 540,000 ounces of gold at 4.1 g/t and 468,000 ounces of silver at 3.6 g/t at its Idenburg Project in Indonesia. The estimate, covering the Sua, Bermol and Mafi prospects, utilises historical drill hole data, enhanced with recent topographic surveys and revised 3D deposit modelling by SMG Consulting. These three prospects represent only 30% of the Idenburg Project’s identified targets, indicating further exploration potential. FEG intends to expand its initial resource base through detailed surface mapping, sampling and a phase 1 drilling program. The Idenburg Project benefits from strong infrastructure, supported by the Trans Irian Highway, which aids in logistics and cost-effective operations. The report highlights minimal work in Mafi's current estimates, suggesting additional exploration is planned. Future efforts will include infill and step-out drilling, metallurgical sampling and geophysical surveys to refine resource estimates. The company underscored the cost efficiency achieved by advancing this estimate without further drilling, a significant milestone detailed in a video available on FEG's investor hub: #ProactiveInvestors #FarEastGold #ASX #JusttheFacts #GoldExploration, #IdenburgProject, #PapuaGold, #Mining, #MineralResources, #JORCCode, #InferredResources, #SilverMining, #ExplorationTargets, #SuaProspect, #BermolProspect, #MafiProspect, #Phase1Drilling, #TopographicSurvey, #SMGConsulting, #PapuaIndonesia, #MiningUpdates, #ResourceEstimate, #Gold