IR Department’s managing director Jane Lowe talked with Proactive’s Tylah Tully about AGM season and the critical role annual general meetings play for shareholders and companies alike. Lowe highlighted the importance of AGMs as a platform for shareholder engagement, noting they offer shareholders a rare chance to vote on essential company matters and interact directly with the board and executive team. “The AGM can be an excellent platform for engaging with potential and existing shareholders,” Lowe explained, emphasizing the value of well-prepared resolutions and open communication. Lowe walked through the AGM process, from preparing resolutions and understanding shareholder preferences, to ensuring CEOs and board members are prepared for Q&A sessions. In addition, she highlighted the importance of shareholder attendance at AGMs, both for voicing support and raising concerns. AGMs also provide an opportunity for executives to present future goals and milestones, giving investors a clear sense of the company's upcoming objectives. With a busy AGM season and several IPOs in progress, Lowe’s expertise highlights her commitment to the evolving needs of the finance sector and investor relations. “We’re heads down on that right now,” she noted. The IR Department continues to support clients in managing successful AGMs, roadshows, and upcoming IPOs, with plans to attend the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference early next year. #ProactiveInvestprs #IRDepartment #ASX #AGM #AnnualGeneralMeeting #JaneLowe #InvestorRelations #ShareholderEngagement #FinanceSector #IPO #CorporateStrategy #ProactiveInvestors #IRDepartment