Proactive - Interviews for investors

Alkane Resources fields promising results from Rockley Project

Episode Summary

Alkane Resources Ltd (ASX:ALK) managing director Nic Earner joins Proactive’s Jonathan Jackson to talk about encouraging results from a drilling program at the Rockley Project in Central West New South Wales. The company completed seven scout slimline RC drill holes, targeting multi-element and multi-point soil and rock chip geochemical anomalies and historical workings. Six out of seven drill holes intersected copper-zinc-lead-silver skarn mineralisation while mapping and rock chip sampling returned significant copper, zinc and lead grades at Apsley, Belmore East and Red Hill prospects as well as the new Stewarts Prospect. Earner says the company is hoping to uncover a large VMS or skarn copper-gold system and multi-million ounce deposit like others in the region. The company is well-funded and says the Rockley program is not cash intensive. Alkane is planning further target generative exploration across the next 12 months. This includes mapping, rock chip sampling and soil sampling as well as additional scout drilling planned for Stewarts, Red Hill and Cow Flat South, along with testing ground EM plates generated at Belmore East and Red Hill South. Earner discussed Alkane’s recent share price movement after it experienced massive volumes of trade over the past seven days. #Proactiveinvestors #AlkaneResources #ASX #MiningExploration, #RockleyProject, #ApsleyProspect, #Geochemistry, #DrillingProgram, #Mineralisation, #SkarnDeposits, #BaseMetals, #GoldExploration, #CuZnPbAg, #TomingleyOperations, #CentralWestNSW, #ExplorationResults, #MineralGrades, #MiningIndustry, #GeologicalSurvey, #FutureExploration, #MiningNews, #ASX #invest #investing #investment #investor #stockmarket #stocks #stock #stockmarketnews