Proactive - Interviews for investors

DLP Resources reports positive metallurgical results at Aurora project

Episode Summary

DLP Resources CEO Ian Gendall joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news regarding the initial metallurgical scoping study for the company’s Aurora Project in southern Peru. The study revealed that Aurora features simple metallurgy, yielding high recoveries of critical minerals—copper, molybdenum, and silver—through standard flotation processes. The results showed impressive recoveries, with copper at 95.8%, molybdenum at 86.4%, and silver at 89.3%, all in high-grade concentrates free from deleterious elements. Gendall also reflected on recent drill results from the project, highlighting drill hole A24-016, which was drilled northwest and intersected copper, molybdenum, and silver mineralization throughout its 1,080.15-meter depth. The top section of the hole, from 0 to 89 meters, returned 0.48% CuEq in mineralized hornfels, while the lower 216.15 meters revealed 0.82% CuEq in both mineralized hornfels and quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry. Currently, two rigs are drilling holes A24-017 and A24-018 in the northeast and southwest zones, with the company aiming to extend copper-molybdenum mineralization. Results from these drilling efforts are expected to be released in late September and early October, further advancing the exploration potential of the Aurora Project. #proactiveinvestors #dlpresourcesinc #tsxv #otcqb #dlprf #CopperExploration #Molybdenum #MiningProjects #AuroraProject #DrillingUpdates #MiningInvesting #ResourceEstimates #MetallurgicalStudy #ProactiveInvestors ---#invest #investing #investment #investor #stockmarket #stocks #stock #stockmarketnews